Sick Day

Today I woke up feeling just awful!

I went right back to bed.

The boys played quietly, William made breakfast, watched Peter Pan, played a new game

Woke up for lunch.

Back to bed -which they also took a nap.

Up again for a snack and then more quiet play until daddy gets home.

They were very sweet and hope that I am all better tomorrow.

We have some big plans this week that must happen.


  1. I hope that you are able to get a good night sleep and you wake up feeling 100% better in the morning!

  2. YUCK! I hate sick. I hope you feel better again soon. love it when the kids show how compassionate they are. My kids really step up, your boys do too. We are very lucky indeed.

  3. Wish I could be there to help you. XXXOOO


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