Everyday Smiles

Little snippets from our past week.
I think this might be trend each week.

Hanging with friends

Our favorite dinner- Parmesan crusted chicken, risotto, broccoli and fresh tomato sauce.

Tag sale finds

A cute little table for outside. A mini trampoline

The garden

New fence and vegetables, finally!

Need I say anything?

Flowers for our anniversary
Nature shots from our neighborhood.

The boys think this looks like a guy sticking his tongue out at us.

Our newest construction toys. We love them! The boys have been making motorcylces, planes, ships, etc. all week.


  1. Ooh, those look fun! I've never seen them.

    I love it when my babes build. Maddie's into physics (locks, mechanics, and simple machines), and Trev builds his prehistory scenes. :)
    Looks like a fun week!

  2. What delightful pictures! Watermelon? delicious, our favorite meal too, love the tag sale finds, the garden is greening up, Gritty is comfy, the flowers are a celebration, nature is beautiful, and the building the best. Love, XXXOOO


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