Today was an adventure day and our monthly visit with Great Gram.
So we headed to a local Arboretum where they were having a "Tea and Tasting" for free! Now I assumed it would just be a little snack here and there, like when you are at the local market for tastings. But we were in for such a treat. It was a full on meal. They had the most amazing foods and deserts, many made from their vegetable and herb gardens.
My boys were loving it! Our favorite was a chocolate chip scone.
The room was filled with ladies and gentlemen, all dressed to the nines. We were dressed for adventure(there were hikes to be taken afterwards), however my boys were well behaved gentlemen themselves.
Once we had our fill we headed to tour the gardens. Very cool!
The banana tree

Landon was loving this statue.
And then with maps in hand they were ready for our hike.
This little snake startled William just a bit.Onto the Bamboo forest.
The fearless leader
High tea!!!! What a treat and from Great Gram's account the boys were the best behaved and most adorable males in the room. What a great day and I am delighted you were able to spend time with my mom. Love to all, XXXOOO