Our morning snuggle time book. The boys race to get this lovely little collection of books. The stories are so delightful and I remember reading them as a little girl. They bring up many a good conversation about vocabulary- for example the story we read this morning, the mother painted iodine on a cut,..not too often will you find that going on.

A quick little tale after our breakfast from this collection. William has begun narrating these back to Landon and I every so often.

Some silent reading time

where everyone participates.

I found this great little book at the library, where we have found some finger plays, songs and poems we recite often.
I'm thinking I might need my own copy because there is just so many great ones in it.

Then we have a little poetry during lunch time.

Our current chapter books. I found the one in the middle at a consignment shop for 10 cents. After browsing through it, I discovered it was part of a series. I ordered them from Amazon. We have read My Father's Dragon and are half way through Elmer and the Dragon. What delightful stories. The chapters are short so it keeps Landon's attention.
Elmer has to rescue the baby dragon from an island and it tells of his adventures. I was talking to Eric about it one day and had forgotten the name of one of the islands, Landon pipes up with the name. They really love it.

Another library book. I am loving this book so much that I
did order a copy.
It is great for a quick little story at the end of the day to settle us for dinner. It also has a poem for each month that we are hoping to be able to recite by the end of each month!

And then I just got all these great books at the friends of the library sale for 50 cents each. There all read alouds for now. I can't wait to start reading them with the boys. They are older books , published in the early -mid 1900's.

Besides all this reading we find time for some great picture books throughout the day. I guess you can say we are wild about books.
I knew a mother who refused to buy the latest fad toy but bought any book her children desired. Lots of togetherness time reading to each other. Teaching your children to love books is a wonderful lesson and obviously your children have been blessed to learn it. Another great mom moment. Thank you Rose. Love, XXXOOO