Creation Station: February

Each month I host "Creation Station".
During the warmer months it's on my driveway and now that it is winter we are able to use our local library.
I love the librarian there. She is so awesome!

I usually have four different stations set up. For awhile they were seasonal crafts but now I am getting back into the process oriented creations.

So we have.......


Still a bit seasonal, but open ended. The kids cut our their own heart and then decorated them with all different types of heart shapes.
We used Popsicle sticks and different colored masking tape I got from
Lakeshore Learning Company. The kids had a great time and made some neat designs.


I made bubble paint( dishwashing soap mixed with tempra paint), and then the kids used cookie cutter shapes to dip and print. Hopefully the bubble wouldn't pop until you put it on the paper and then it makes a swirly design.

As you can see this was a huge hit-just shaving cream to have fun with. I added some combs so the kids could make neat designs on the table.

All the kids have a great time and its fun to get together with our friends.

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love Landon's enthusiasm and William's concentration. You continute to amaze me. Do your children and friends know what a treasure they have in you? This had to be one of the best days ever for the children. I love everything you do for them. Thank you again and again. Love, XXXOOO


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