
After 21 hours of driving we successfully made it to Florida.  We all had a great night sleep and were wide awake and ready for a day of adventure.
We decided to visit  Babcock Wilderness Adventures.
 We loaded onto their "Swamp Buggy" ( a school bus revamped)
 and began the wild ride

 there were Cracker Cattle- one of the oldest breeds of cattle in the USA

 we took a break and walked into the swamp

 where we saw "knobby knees"
 a baby alligator paid us a visit
 then a road block by some big ones
 and some pretty amazing scenery
It was a grand first day for Florida 2010.

What will Grammy and Grampy have in store next?


  1. What a great start to your trip! Can't wait to see what else is in store! Have a wonderful rest of your trip!

  2. We had such a good time watching the boys enjoy the adventure. Thanks for making our day. Love XXXOOO

  3. I saw this the other day but hadn't commented, yet - I can't decide if it looks warm, or if it makes me cold to see people in shorts because it's soooo dang cold here! :)

    Are you still there?

    Safe travels to you!!


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