weekending: Mama's Retreat

Eric says it was baby steps, I say it was HUGE.  I went away this past weekend by myself for the first time ever since having the boys. I was seriously having second, third and fourth thoughts. I was suppose to leave on Friday so it would be two nights away. Eric took advantage of the time off however, and left me Thursday night to head up to Vermont with the boys and Gritty. So now I was going to be away from them for three nights. Plus, I was alone in the house for the first time. No one to keep me company--- not even Gritty.  This was a giant leap for me. I stayed up extremely late on Thursday so that I could fall asleep the minute my head hit the pillow. 

I woke up on Friday, had a quiet morning and then headed out for my retreat. It was going to be weekend of scrap booking. Something I so need to get caught up on and be inspired by again. It has been so long since I have done anything.  Right when I got to the the Inn I got set up and started. It felt awesome.  I was so excited to be preserving our family history once again.  I have been doing many digital scrapbooks but there is really something I just love about using my hands to create. It does take time but it is so well worth it.  And I so love how the boys enjoy looking through the albums over and over.  I am definitely going to try and figure out a way to do it more at home. We are just low on space. I keep visualizing my own studio(one day), but for now our dining room table and cabinet will have to do. 

After a long day of scrapping, I headed back to my room to read and get some rest. 

I have to say I did much better than I thought I would. It was nice to be focusing on something I love. Eric was great and would call me morning , noon and night so I could talk to the boys and him.  But it was awesome to come home and get the biggest hugs from my boys and "I missed Yous".

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you had a good time. But nothing is better than getting back home to those you love and who love you. Love all of you dearly, XXXOOO


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