in memory of

Gritty: March 1, 2001- September 22, 2012

We love you with all our hearts.

You will always be a part of us.

Mama, Daddy, Will and Lan


  1. Goodbye Gritty. What a lovely memorial. I am so sorry you had to go through this. The Lord promises to comfort those who mourn. My prayer is for Him to comfort all of us in the loss of Gritty. XXXOOO

  2. Some lovely moments you have shared. Tears rolling down my cheeks, I now how hard this is. Thinking of you and your family.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. So sorry Rose. Gritty was a cool, cool dog. I was scared of him her the first time we met because she growled at me, but she was protecting you and once you introduced us I learned he was a sweet as can be. So sad to see her go. Love to you all. Hoping your new baby reminds you of Gritty in some tiny, sweet way.

  5. Sorry to hear about gritty passing. We are thinking of you. I still remember when she and Casey swm behind our house at Hammo together as puppies. She was a very sweet dog.


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