
** I love the fact that I have a washer and dryer right off the kitchen in the bathroom. Every time I go in there I'm reminded to do a load of wash. I haven't fallen to far behind, yet.**

** At the end of our driveway there is a barn. The barn has a light that stays on all night long. It was shining directly into our side bedroom window. I finally got the curtains up and it has made sleeping much better. I like my room to be very dark. However, there is a window right at the head of our bed that I haven't put curtains up yet, I can't find one of them. At night I have been able to look out and see a black sky filled with stars. Kinda feels like I am camping, but in a cozy bed. Then when I wake up in the morning, I see a blue sky with clouds. Still in awe that these are my views.**

**My kitchen counter space is amazing. I am getting spoiled. There is just so much space.**

**We are working on getting a new car. My car just won't cut it on these dirt roads and snow in the winter**

**I love listening to the boys at night when it is bedtime. They talk for a few minutes and say goodnight to each other in the sweetest way. This room sharing is going pretty well.**

**We've got the kitchen, living room, and two bedrooms all set. Still have the office, 3rd bedroom, my extra space, basement, dining area and garage to get finalized. It will be an ongoing for months surely.**

**Finding that there is more dust here. I feel like I just dusted and then the next day there is more. Little hands have their work cut our for them.**

**Finding that in small towns, everyone has something to say about the goings on. Our new mailbox made for quite the discussion. Eric and I were joking how many bets people have about it- on how long it will last. People were concerned that the plow will get it. We'll just have to see.**

**Discovering that William has this need to be physical -all.the.time.**

**Already had an incident with the walkie talkies getting dropped into the stream. Ugh! Trying to figure out a better solution to carry them around.**

**Eric and the boys tried out the local Grill last night. They said it was tasty. There is only a few restaurants right in town and I think we have covered them all already. The first two days when I did not have a kitchen at the ready we had to eat out more than I would have liked.**

** I have been working hard this week to get a set rhythm and routine down.  Wanting to include outside, play, creating, homemaking, focus, rest, and blogging times. Finding our days work better when everyone knows what to expect, but still want to be flexible when needed.**

**21 weeks! Feeling pretty good, but some days are harder than others. It has been seven years since my body has gone through this amazing change. I forgot a lot.**

**Officially spent our first night here two weeks ago, on the start of my 39th year. It looks to be a promising one.**

******It is 3:00 on Friday afternoon and it's snowing!******


  1. Yay for snow, that first snowfall is always the best. Sounds like you are settling in and finding your way. And the snow plow gets our mailbox every winter, doesn't matter what we do, good luck with yours :)

    Enjoy your weekend.

  2. Love all the fragments. Learned so much. Great home, great yard, great day and great snow. XXXOOO


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