
Harkin turned one yesterday. What a big day we had.

We took him skiing for the very first time. Everyone was so excited to see him on skis.  We got all of his gear on and took him on the magic carpet and down the hill 3 times before he was getting a little cranky. He wasn't sure of the boots and all. So we took a break and hung out in the lodge for a bit and had some lunch.

Once our tummies were full we decided to give it another go. This time we went down 4 times and there was no crying at all. I think he actually enjoyed it. The last time up the magic carpet he was standing between my legs when all of a sudden he was trying to sit down. I looked into his goggles to see him and he had his eyes closed. As much as I tried to talk to him he was not opening his eyes. He had fallen asleep while standing up and on skis!!
We carried him down his last run. I took him into the lodge and he continued to sleep while I took off all his gear. We had tuckered him out!! 

After nap we came home and opened presents and ate cake. The cake was a big hit. He kept asking for more and more.

It was a fun day and I still can't believe he is one already. How quickly has grown and how amazing this past year has been. We love you sweet Harkin.


  1. Oh my word! How is it possible he is one already?! Of course, I cannot believe that Emma turned six last week either! What a wonderful first birthday (I love the picture where he's laying his head on the table with the cake)! May his next trip around the sun be just as fun! Happy first anniversary of his birthing day, my friend! xo

  2. Happy birthday little man!!

    Sounds like you guys had a great day, such a wonderful way to celebrate.

  3. Happy Birthday Harkin (and a day) We love you. Skiing already! Way to go. Love, XXXOOO

  4. Happy Birthday, Harkin.
    What a wonderful way to celebrate his big day.
    Thank you for sharing this story.


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