story time

We went to our local library for story time.  There was no story today but instead a music and bubble party. Harkin had a great time using all the instruments and dancing to the music. He did a great job listening to the teacher when she said they had to put things away, they only used them for 5 min. each. He was just happy to see what was going to happen next. The big boys were playing a board game or reading- until it was time for the bubbles. Then they were the "helpers". 

It was fun to do something just for Harkin. Now that he is getting bigger I am sure there will more of that.

1 comment:

  1. The picture of pure delight on Harkin's face is adorable. Bubbles, the all time favorite of little and big ones. Story time for Harkin. What a big boy! XXXOOO


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