enjoying the view

I recently read a book by Anna Quindlen that reminded me to fully enjoy life.  She says that enjoying the view is living your life to its fullest.  That is exactly what I have been trying to do the past few days. Instead of running for my camera to "capture" life I am standing just taking it all in. "Enjoying the views".

* watching Harkin dump all of his toys out and move them from place to place

* enjoying one of our last warm days outside- splashing in puddles, picking up leaves and seeing the excitement in my child's eyes at experiencing nature

* listening to the big boys mine rocks by the river, dig holes and smash sticks- things boys do

*crafting with all of them, Harkin just enjoying the process while the big boys really concentrate and create wonderful pieces of art

*still being asked to tuck my 11 year old in

*loving holding such tiny hands in mine

*still in awe that we live in the woods where it is peaceful and full of adventure each day

*watching Harkin imitate his big brothers in all that they do- the good, the bad and the funny

*smiling as Harkin anticipates Daddy's entrance each morning into his room for kisses and hugs as he leaves for work

*laughing as the boys rock out to Dad's music during the late afternoon hours

Hoping to remember to always enjoy the view and wishing you all the same.


  1. Wonderful advice. Wonderful moments. So glad you are enjoying them. They warm my heart. Love to all, OOOXXX

  2. I love this perspective on the view. :)


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