
Our sweet little guy turned two last week. He is such a funny kid. Right now he is imitating everything we say and do. He simply adores his older brothers and loves playing with them all the time. He thinks it is pretty cool to hang out in their room. Then he is a sweet loving boy to his little sister. He gives her hugs and kisses all the time and gets upset when she cries.

He loves to play with cars, blocks, trains, balls, the kitchen area, music instruments, draws and writes with a pencil. Watching him play is something new everyday, as he is always learning. He can sort colors and sizes of things. LOVES to read books and snuggle.  Outside time is always fun. He comes in telling in a very animated voice all the adventures he has been having.

He can be so silly at times and knows it. He loves having his picture taken and will ham it up for the camera.  It is so amazing to me how much he has grown in the past year and how he is becoming a little boy and not so much a tiny toddler. I am so very thankful he is a part of our family and glad that I am here everyday to experience it all. Love you to pieces my little man.

Happy Birthday.


  1. Happy birthday Harkin!!! Hope his next trip around the sun is filled with wonderful things. xo

  2. Happy Birthday. You are astounding. XXXOOO


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