Adventure Day: Playground and Library

The weather has been so beautiful the past few days we have been outside for hours and hours!

Today we went for a nice drive and landed in a wonderful playground for several hours.

There were chases, secret missions, boat rides and such!

And then we ended at another new library.

I always love the responses I get from the librarians when I return a ton of books and tell them they are not from there library.

"You're from what town?"

"These books are from 5 different libraries!"


Simple answer- We love libraries and it is so cool to check out new ones, you never know what you will discover.

I love how I can browse the shelves for an hour and not get disturbed.

My boys are on the floor with about 20 books, absorbed.

Sometimes they play, but mostly they look!

We each have our own bag with one rule- you can check out as many as will fit in the bags.
Our bags have had to get bigger over the past few months because they just couldn't fit all the books we wanted.

I also have had to add many more baskets in their rooms and living room to accommodate the storage.

Books- a crazy but good habit.


  1. What a wonderful way to spend the day. Books are truly best friends. Toys are fun but give me a good book to read and I am happy. I love the way the boys love books, just like their dad and mom. Love all you do in such fun ways for your children. Love to all, XXXOOO

  2. I have to thank you (and Stephanie over at OLM) for going to other libraries for it inspired us to go find a new library. The one in our town was just not the happy, wonderous place that a library, especially the children's section, should be. So we headed to the town next to us, a town I often wish we lived in, and discovered the most amazing children's section and fabulous children's librarians we ever could have imagined! Now we are at the library all the time, whereas before we only went occasionally and begrudgingly at that! So thank you, thank you, thank you for inspiring us to go!


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