Adventure Day: The Children's Museum

We adventured out today to the children's museum. It is a rather small museum and kinda pricey compared to some others we have been to, but since it is part of a reciprocal program, we decided to check it out.

We saw a huge whale that we could walk inside of. It is the actual size of a real male sperm whale.

There were lots of hands on activities that kept their interest for 5- 10 minutes each.

A pretty cool jeep that they drove to the north pole and beyond.
Mining for special rocks.

Fossil excavating.

Plus there are:

Live animals: reptiles,snakes,turtles, a raccoon, a lynx, and a bobcat.

A room where they can build with Lego's, pop bubbles and become a weatherman.

A planetarium which we did not go to because the kids were not interested in seeing the show. It does cost extra.

It was a nice way to spend two hours.

Rating: B-

1 comment:

  1. I just love children's museums. Looks like a great day. Love, XXXOOO


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