first day of school

Today our neighbors and friends all spent their first day at school: this is what we did.

read a nature book
copied a poem

played cards
read a little history
did puzzles

took a walk
fed the ducks

got lost in a maze

had and entire afternoon all to ourselves at a playground

I am so glad we spent our day together.  We learned, laughed and loved.  


  1. Your first day of school was just to much fun. Way to go. Love, XXXOOO

  2. What a great first day of school! We absolutely love the sunflower maze! We went the last time the girls and I headed to Bethany to visit my parents. It would be so fun to meet up sometime (you, me, Kim and all our littles)! :)

  3. Where are you in the picture feeding the ducks?? Looks like a great place to spend a day. Was the maze fun and good for older kids? Zach and Kenz are dying to check out some mazes this fall


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