Sturbridge Village

We went to Sturbridge Village today to join in their homeschooling day.  We took a few classes, made some neat crafts and played games.  It was  a great hands on introduction to Colonial Days. The boys enjoyed themselves and ramble on and on about their day to Daddy when we got home.  I love that they are so excited to tell about what they did in "school" for the day.

We made our own split rail fence.Making a tin candle holder.Dipping our own candles.Preparing apples for drying.We rode a real stagecoach! 
Baking gingersnap cookies in a tin reflector oven using  a fire.Hoop races.Doing a bit of work for the potter. 

It is so fun to watch them experience these activities.  We were so busy that we hardly got a chance to check out the whole place, another visit soon is in order.


  1. What a great day. I have never been there but I see we have a bit of North Carolina there. Love the East Carolina Shirt and the Jenni K bracelet. Hugs for everyone.

  2. Next time you decide to head to OSV let me know and maybe we can join you! We live about 30 minutes from there!

  3. Sturbridge Village, one of my favorite places to visit. The day looks as if it was so much fun and I can only imagine all the things they learned. Love all the pictures. Thank you Rose for taking the time to capture such grand pictures of the boys and you! Love to all.

  4. Looks like a great day!! You are so fortunate to love close to there! What a great resource.


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