simple blogging

Lately, I have been doing much thinking and not a whole lot of doing.  Wondering many questions and trying to discover those answers.  I may over the next week or so share these thoughts here.  Maybe if they are written somewhere public I will let go of them instead of holding tight to them in my own journal.  Not sure but thought I would give it a try. 

For starters,  I began to wonder why it is I actually blog? I first discovered blogging in a magazine article in March of 2009.  I began reading several blogs and thinking it was a pretty neat thing.  I really wanted a way to share our life with family who were so far away.  This would be great.  No more emailing  pictures.   Just a simple post and everyone could see what we have been up to.  I was good to go. 

Once online, I then began hooking up with other homeschoolers and reading their blogs.  Seeing what others wrote about, I thought maybe I could have something great to say or a cool project to share.  I even have gone so far as to write up a weekly schedule as to what each day I should post about.  I was going to be a predictable blogger.  

HA!  That is not happening.  I thought, slow down here, I am stressing myself out about blogging????  No way, it would feel too much like a job.  And in my opinion I already have my perfect job....being mama.  And feeling like I had to blog was taking away from the fun. Plus I was sitting at the computer way too much.  

So I am slowing down and am back to my original plan.  Blog to share our lives.  Although, now instead of only family, I am sharing it with friends....old and new.  And, maybe every once in awhile I will share something great, but I am O.K with just a simple post.


  1. You have grand and wonderful, big and small things to say but all are so very heartwarming, important and special. I love every word and am so grateful that you take the time to do it. You are doing the most important job in the world, raising delightful, thoughtful, loving men who will know what is really important in life just like their mom. Love you dearly, love all you do and love reading about it almost as much as listening to it. Love, XXXOOO

  2. I have come to the conclusion that it doesn't matter if you have anything important to say. :D

    Honesly - I've been wondering a lot lately, 'Why do people read our blog?"
    I mean - I know some come in for craft tutorials that I've done, but I honestly don't know why the rest come.

    Guess I'll just keep writing and wondering. :)


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