Thursday with Scarecrows

Up earlier than usual- I actually slept in my own bed last night- so I guess I am feeling a bit refreshed.

A slow morning reading, chores together and then on to raking leaf piles- already!

Off to the library- a sort visit today but very victorious. We have finally found all the Tin Tin books. William was out of his head. We have been looking for them at every library we visit.  And here they were at our own town library. Imagine that!We hardly go here... I can't remember why but there was a reason once...  but now its like we rediscovered a buried treasure.  As I browsed the shelves I found so many awesome titles.    So it will become a more visited place by us.

Then off to our monthly art class.......

We take our class here and they have an exhibit about scarecrows going on. Local artists create a scarecrow based/influenced by a famous artist and their works.  It is quite the display.  We had gone last year to see the fairy houses.  So we toured the grounds and then the boys had the opportunity to paint their own Fall scene with a scarecrow somewhere in the picture.  

Then onto pastels to draw a background and then added a premade scarecrow to  it.  I really don't have too many Fall decorations so the boys are very excited to be adding to our collection.

Also the very first thing we did was tour the gallery. The current exhibit is Schoolgirl Embroidery.  This is the part for mama.  The boys just look and try to pretend they are interested but secretly(or not) wish they were not there.

It was a great time for all.


  1. The museum looks great. I have never been there before. The girls and I might need to take a trip one day soon!

  2. What a way to spend the day. I love the fall colors and decorations. Scarecrow theme, what fun. Looks as if your two scarecrows have been very busy. Good job. Love, XXXOOO


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