so sweet he is

I began freaking out recently at how very little baby clothes we had. I gave pretty much all of ours away, thinking we were done with having babies.  About two weeks afterwards was when I found out I was pregnant. So going through my one little box that I saved I realized I only had about 5 things for him to wear right away. Being the sweet man that my husband is, he took it upon himself to order a huge lot of newborn clothes off of ebay. I believe we are set for the first month or so and I have stopped freaking out.

But isn't he such a darling of a husband???


  1. Now THAT is one sweet guy! What a lucky gal you are! :)

  2. How wonderful for him to do that, definitely a keeper :)

  3. Love all the men in our family. Clothes look adorable and it only makes me more excited to see the new little one. Love, XXXOOO


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