activities: chess and nature

Yesterday we discovered a new chess club at a not too far away library. The boys were thrilled to be really learning how to play. They meet each week for an hour and then there will be a few tournaments in the Spring. The instructor was so nice and said we should come early next time and he will sit with the boys and really teach them.  All this offered for free. I am amazed at how many cool library programs I have found and you do not need to be a resident of that town to participate.

Then today we went to the nature class that is offered once a month for homeschoolers. They talked about tracks and signs that all kinds of animals leave. They made their own track story with stamps and learned how to take a plaster cast of a print. We need to stock up on some plaster because I see that in our near future. We find lots of tracks around here.
It was all very interesting to the boys. However they seem to think the class size was a bit too big. They like things to be small and quiet- kinda like their Mama.  For a once a month class we will manage.


  1. Wow, some great programs. The nature program sounds awesome!

  2. I love the books you are reading with your sons. We are reading a couple of these at our homeschool this year as well. I have two boys and a baby girl.

  3. You continue to amaze me with all your finds for the boys and you to do, learn and enjoy. Loving the tracks castings. Kind of like the hand prints. Love to all, XXXOOO


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