
odds and ends
thoughts that have crossed my mind
each one not enough for its own post
but giving you a small glimpse 
 into the daily life of ours 

**my heart has been heavy the last few days, sending all my prayers and hope to those affected by Sandy Hook**

**the boys finished their building, photography, swim and tennis classes**

**ski club/team started, the boys are loving it, although miss skiing with mom and dad**

** i am tired so often, and feeling very big, 31 weeks!**

**finally found a yoga class to participate in- right in my town- yeah!**

**trying to remain calm the next week and realize all my ideas and hopes are just not going to get done, and be OK with that. it's about just being with one another**

**loving my bread making class. connecting with some really nice people and learning new bread techniques**

**holding my boys just a little bit longer each day, loving them always and forever**


  1. 31 weeks already!! Wow!!! So happy to hear you found a yoga class, just what you need :) I have been holding my little man all weekend long, heart is aching.

  2. 31 weeks! Enjoy these last few as long as they may seem! Enjoy this holiday season and the warmth of family and home.

  3. Yay! 31 weeks! Congrats. :) And yay to you too for realizing what will and won't get done and trying to make peace with that. At some point you just have to say "Ok. Done." Good for you!

  4. Yes, the entire list will not get done. Okay, so enjoy what did get done and make a new list. Love to read your fragments. Put all them together and they make a wonderful life with your family. Aren't you glad you home school?! Love, XXXOOO


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