
The boys each have their own way of preparing for the baby.

Landon is more of a snuggle guy and will feel my belly when the baby kicks and moves around. He talks to my belly and tells the baby that he can't wait to meet him and hope that he is doing OK in there. He also has this idea that when Jaxson lays right next to my belly he can come out of his body (as a spirit) and go visit the baby. Landon thinks Jaxson goes to see how much hair the baby has. And then there is my belly button that Landon loves to push.

William has not wanted to touch my belly but he has given me plenty of the stare down. He is unsure of how my body has changed so much.  He is getting ready by helping with all the preparations. He organized all of his old board books just right for the baby. He loves looking at all the little clothes and has asked if he can help dress the baby. Making things for the baby's room is one of his favorite things of all. There is many beautiful pieces hung up to decorate.

We are all getting excited for his arrival.  3 1/2 more weeks!  I know that these two boys of mine are going to be great has big brothers with all their sweet love to give.


  1. A beautiful photo of them. Such different ways to prepare, but both so sweet and so full of love. Exciting times are ahead for all of you.

  2. Time sure is flying! Can't wait to see pictures of the newest member of your family! Enjoy these last few weeks as a family of four!

  3. It is so interesting reading their different ways of preparing for the baby because I could have almost written this myself about how my boys prepared.

    So close now!

  4. such a cute picture --- pls send a copy to the CT paulsons .... we need any updated one for the fridge :)
    xoxox Annika and Corinne


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