maple sugar snow

After reading Little House in the Big Woods we have been wanting to try this little sweet. We warmed up some maple syrup, poured if over untouched snow and gave it a go. The boys thought it was great. It was kinda like a hard slushy that tasted like maple syrup. Yum!


  1. Okay, as soon as we get some snow I am making this for my little man...he will love it!!

    I started to read Little House in the Big Woods to my little man last week, I think he is still a little young for it. Will try again in a few years. Hope your boys are enjoying it.

  2. If we ever get snow this winter I'm going to do this with my boys. We are about halfway through Little House in the Big Woods.

  3. Great read, great snack. Love all you do with the boys. Keep up the good work all of you! Love, XXXOOO


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