all clear

So this morning we had an 8:00am appointment at the big hospital in the big city an hour away. Which meant everyone had to be up at 6:00am in order to get dressed, fed and out the door on time.  I was not the one who chose the time but in the end am glad it was early.  By the time we left,  the waiting room was filled with patients.

Harkin had an EKG, an ultra sound and a blood test. He was awake for the whole time- almost two hours. When we were finished he was tuckered out and pretty much slept the rest of the day away. Which worked out good since we decided to do a few errands while we were in the big city.  After getting in and out of the car 3 times I was so ready to head home. The older boys were great through all of this. They even got to watch a movie during the ultra sound so it was a happy moment.

The results: there is very faint murmur but nothing that causes concern at the moment. So all is well.

After staying put for the past 31/2 weeks it was an event for everyone and we were all pretty beat by the time we got home. Jaxson was so excited he ended up throwing up all of his food that he ate for breakfast. Quite the day.

My little man all hooked up with wires to the machines. Glad that it is over and we can continue on with good thoughts.


  1. Good news, glad to hear all is okay. I am always tired after a day in the big city. Enjoy your weekend.

  2. Another prayer answered. What a day. Glad it is behind you. Love, XXXOOO


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