Harkin's first outing

Thursday the weather had warmed up and I was in dire need of fresh air.  It was the last day that Grammy and Grampy were going to be here so the boys wanted to stay home and get some more time with them.

So Eric, Harkin, Jaxson and I headed out for a few errands and then a nice little walk. It felt so great to get some fresh air and also see how things would work with getting everything in the car and out the door.

I was going to put Harkin in a sling but when I tried he was all squished up so I just carried him for the walk. I have this great wool wrap that kept us both nice and toasty. The sling works well just not when he has an extra layer on. It was hard to put him in there without feeling like he was all mushed up.   I have my ergo which I love and will try to use that next time although they say not to use it until he is 3 months old. I am sure I will figure it all out soon enough.

p.s. my little man scratched himself the day we left the hospital. It looks awful but really isn't.


  1. Yay for a first outting! Love the picture of you and he together!

    We loved our Ergo! I was so sad when both girls outgrew it (mostly due to their height)! I have been missing wearing my babies!

    Have you seen the infant insert for the Ergo? I did not have one with my girls. If I did I would send it your way. If you don't want to buy it new you may be able to find one on eBay or Craigslist.

    Have a great rest of the weekend!

  2. Those baby fingernails are so sharp!

    That's so great that Harkin already had his first outing!

    Do you have a bunting/snowsuit for Harkin? I have an Ergo and when I use it for going on walks if Magnus is in a snowsuit just the bulk of the hood is enough to keep his neck stable with the sleeping hood up over it. Otherwise a rolled up receiving blanket behind his neck seems to work well, or even a larger Prefolds diaper would do the trick.

  3. Great first outing and great time for Grammy and Grampy to be with the big boys. Love to all, XXXOOO


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