great days

Time spent at home is the best time of all. We have had two relaxing days, enjoying each other and savoring time spent with daddy.

The boys wait patiently as Eric gives them a lesson on how to smoke ribs.

It has been a long time since we have done this. An all day anticipation. As the day wears on the smell becomes stronger and makes your mouth water. Eric used lemons, apples, beer and wine for the flavor.

Eric relaxing- something he rarely does.

Mama's knitting - I am trying to finish all my projects before I start a new one. I think there were four in my bag.

Gritty sleeps-what else does she do?

We added the slide.

Dinner is ready!

This was the first time Landon had ribs. The meat was so tender it was easy for him to eat.

William just kept on eating- he is growing like crazy these days. And eats all day long.

A new project- finished in one day! The boys have been wanting a sandbox for a long time. Eric found the plans here.

He modified it for a 6 foot square sandbox.

Landon played happily in it while Eric and William went and got more sand. It took 30 bags of sand to fill it up! Next weekend Eric will make the cover for it.


  1. the sandbox is awesome. He did a much better job than I did on ours : )
    Ryan loves the water slide.

    Tony bought ribs for sometime this week.Something I have not had in a long time.

    glad you had a nice relaxing weekend.

  2. Know the ribs were great! Good job with the smoker being on the cement. Remember the hole in the deck? The sandbox is grand, oh I can hardly wait to build roads, highways and byways, curves and ponds. Oh what fun we will have. XXXOOO


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