Nature Day

Today was a good outdoor day. William had nature class and learned all about bugs! Landon and I did a little hiking, threw sticks in the pond and played on the playground. It was so nice to be soaking up the sun.
After a little rest at home, both boys were anxious to get outside to their gardens. Daddy had prepared a new spot for them while he was building stairs for his shed. We had gone shopping yesterday for all the flowers and they couldn't wait to start digging. With no help from me they spread the flowers out and planned where they would go. While digging up the dirt they would stop every so often and find lots of interesting bugs and "dirt bombs" as Landon liked to say. I did end up helping Landon a little bit therefore he was able to finish his today. William is doing his all by himself so had to take a break and will finish tomorrow he says. Watching them connect with the earth was such a joy and how proud they are of their very own garden.

1 comment:

  1. Look at the beautiful children and oh yes the flowers too. What a grand way to spend the day, in the garden. How I love to work in the dirt. What could be more fun for the granddaughter of a farmer and how proud he would be of her granchildren "farming". XXXOOO


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