Muffin Mania

Muffins! How we love them! Therefore, we try at least once a week to test out a new recipe. The boys love to bake and of course the tasting is the best part. Today was a Raspberry Corn Muffin from a Barefoot Contessa cookbook. It was a simply delicious corn muffin with raspberry preserves exploding out of it. That was the fun part. William compared it to a volcano exploding. Landon liked pushing the cake tip into the muffin and then squeezing out the preserves. It was a sticking gooey mess that was yummy to lick off your hands. A great activity for a rainy day.
We then followed it up with a little dancing. Daddy creates some pretty awesome play lists that we can rock out to.

A nice quiet activity to the end the day. Family drawing. Everyone picks a topic, then each person draws that subject for a few minutes before moving on. I got the idea from SouleMama. It was fun to see how everyone drew the same thing but differently. I can see the changes in the way both William and Landon are drawing these days. There ideas: William- sky, sun. Landon- hiking, moon. Mama- rain, favorite food. Daddy- boys playing soccer. Daddy walked in just as we were finishing up. They were thrilled to see daddy. He has been working late the past two nights.
Another good day!

1 comment:

  1. They look so good I can almost taste them! The boys look wonderful. How very big boy they appear. How can they grow so quickly. Make the clock stand still for a few minutes won't you. XXXOOO


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