one year

This is my mom. This was five years ago when the picture was taken.
One year ago she passed away.  I can't believe it has been a year already.  Her passing was sad but I believe she is more comfortable wherever she may be now. Her last year she was uncomfortable, unable to move around and do what she would like to. She was always a very busy person so having to sit in bed I think drove her crazy.

She simply adored the boys and loved listening to stories about them.  They would make her laugh.  She would make them laugh.  I am so grateful that they were able to meet her and spend time with her, as they never got to meet my dad.

The hardest thing this past year was not being able to call her every day. I would usually call her while making lunch or dinner just to check in. Even if it was a quick 5 min. call, it was always nice to hear her voice and share a piece of our day.

She was an amazing woman- one whom I miss dearly. I think of her often and keep her in my heart always.

Love you Mom!


  1. Your mother was a wonderful woman. Her legacy is her children and especially the woman and mother you have become. For this I am eternally grateful to her. I love you Rose. XXXOOO

  2. That picture captures your mom so perfectly, she was the best and she certainly was very patient with all of our antics in high school! Thinking of you and hope all is well.

  3. She looked so healthy and full of life there hard to believe how quickly she declined. You miss the phone calls and I miss visiting her everyday and like you, just telling her what is going on in our lives.


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