happy new year

Wishing everyone a wonderful new year and hopefully keeping warm.

We have been pretty much inside the past two weeks due to super cold temps and also two littles who have been pretty sick since Christmas. Colds and then a couple of  rounds of throw up. Today we had a heat wave. 20*. We all were outside and enjoying the fresh air. I took a walk up the hill with the pup while the three youngest built snow forts. Will was busy on the mountain.

We are all on the upside(except Daddy now). Bracing for more colds temps this weekend!

1 comment:

  1. This cold snap sure has been intense! It was lovely to have a bit of a break from it on Wednesday but then right back to major sub-zero temps the next day. I love winter but when it becomes -23 that I could do without!

    Happy New Year! xo


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