new years eve

We did our traditional fondue!

I was very excited to add a new pot to the mix this year. One that I had picked up at a tag sale. Well there was a reason it was at the tag sale. We could not get it to stay lit. The stand for the pot made it too close to the sterno, so it kept going out. Plus I forgot to get new sternos so we had a rough beginning but my most wonderful husband came to the rescue. First he ran to the grocery store to get more sternos. Then he rigged up a self made stand from some bricks. Once we had it set things went pretty smoothly. Everyone had fun and ate some good food.

After a bit of play we had to get the two little ones to bed.  I hadn't been feeling good so I wasn't planning on staying up till 12:00. I was just about to play a game with the big boys when I was called upstairs by a crying little one. Harkin had thrown up in his sleep. Ugh! We had to tear the bed apart since it was everywhere (except on Izzy!) Then we settled back to sleep. He was fine. He had eaten about three green apples for dinner which is what I think he threw up. Anyways life was back to normal the next day.

Welcome 2018!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Years!!! Fondue feast is such a great idea. Hope Harkin is all right and no one else suffered the same illness. Love to all. Here's to a great 2018. XXXOOO


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