
A week has past and what have we been up to.  I worked last week which always makes the week a bit of a blur.  Then we were in VT over the weekend as will be the norm for the Winter.  

Trying to get ready for Christmas which has kinda sprung up on me. I always say I am going to be so ahead of the game and it just doesn't seem to work that way.  So we have been trying to enjoy this week. Anticipating the weekend with joy and not anxiety because I didn't get it all done. I have been telling the boys that I just can't do it ALL and that is OK.  

We have been reading by the fire, playing with trains for days, catching up on games, baking cookies,spending time with friends and stacking a whole lot of wood: building forts really

 Living life.  

1 comment:

  1. Building forts and building memories. Very nice. Love to all, XXXOOO


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