Fort Macon

We went to visit Fort Macon in Atlantic Beach, NC last week. We had an amazing time and learned so much history in the two hours that we were there. I was surprised at how much the boys were so into it and how much they retained. They told Eric all about it, three days later, and remembered little details. 
This is the true beauty of homeschooling. They were excited about learning and were not forced to learn about it. We discussed if it was something they would be interested in going to check out.  They loved touching the building, cannons, and going into the parts that were a museum to see what it was like way back then.

It was an awesome afternoon spent with very adventurous boys. It made me more excited about history and wanting to learn more along side of them (I didn't always pay too close attention in my history classes as I really didn't care for my teacher)

When we got home they began building their own forts with pattern blocks and lincoln logs. :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh to see the world through the eyes of the young. Aren't they an inspiration?! What a great day. Forts are so exciting. I am delighted that you are able to bring such wonderful learning experiences to the boys. And don't they look wonderful. Kisses to all. XXXOOO


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