new beginnings

A weekend of togetherness, feasting, celebrating 

Slow, warm, lazy days,
an awesome feast of ribs, corn, french fries, coleslaw and brownies
walk by the beach

Eric starts a new job tomorrow- we are all very excited about this new adventure as it means he will only commute 20 min from home. After 3 long years of riding 2 hours on a train to the city. This is huge. We all have high hopes that daddy won't be so tired all the time. The sun will be up before he will for once. Yeah!

I start a new promise to myself. To relax more about homeschooling curriculum's. It seems that I am a bit obsessed with always reading about one more neat idea or book. I have tons of books and plenty of ideas and we learn so much from just living. The boys are still young and I had told myself that I didn't need to follow a specific way.   There are resources that I do use and I do guide plenty of their learning. But I can spend days and nights reading and driving myself crazy, thinking I need to do more. I want  to follow their lead and play and create and live and learn. This is my new beginning and hopefully it will lead to many more......


  1. Oh! I am so glad for your husband (and your family). My husband Greg commutes - 6:00 train in and the 7:00 train home. My girls get a kiss goodnight but that is about it....until Friday. We live for weekends!

    Enjoy your increased family time!

  2. What an exciting way to start a week! I hope he has a wonderful first day (and first week)!

    I think that it's hard to be a homeschooling mom when you have been a teacher previously. You are so used to curriculums and what you "should" be doing and what the children "should be accomplishing/mastering" that in some ways its hard to let go and follow instead of lead. For me, as we have been contemplating homeschooling and what it would mean, I have found that my former life as a teacher has in some ways been a curse (but also a major blessing, since if I had never taught I would have just blindly sent the girls to school and not thought twice about it). All parents are indeed way more prepared to homeschool than they (w)e realize, we just have the added benefit of already having all sorts of stuff that we collected, bought, made or acquired over our years teaching. Sit back, relax and enjoy the ride. The boys will show you the way! Ya'll are fabulous!

  3. Rose you are a wonderful mother, wife, teacher and daughter-in-law. I don't doubt you for a minute. The fact that you do have doubts means you care and will thoughfully fill their days. Rest assured there is no better teacher for children than their mother and what a mother your children are fortunate to have. You are the best. Love you dearly, XXXOOO


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