me learn too

William has several of these notebooks. We use them for his learning activities.

For example we have this great book of riddles (great for critical thinking) but instead of reading them right from the book I copy them into a notebook and he tries his best to read the riddles and then answer the question and draw a picture . For more ideas see here.

While I work with William, Landon is happily playing near us.  However he has not been oblivious to all the learning that has been going on.  The other night he was retelling me all about the animal lesson that Will and I had done that morning. I do have a few special games and manipulatives that I keep for "Landon's Lesson Work" but he wanted a book like Will.  
"I want to learn too". He tells me.  
He is  learning  every day through all his play and the books that we read, but he wants to be like William.

I wish I had gotten a picture of the smile on his face when I showed him his own book yesterday. He was so excited. "My very own book!", he exclaims.

I make up my own little riddles or problems for him.   
"Me learning too!", says a sweet little boy of 4.

1 comment:

  1. Oh the joys of learning. You have inspired your children so beautifully. Moms are our first and best teachers don't you think. Way to learn boys. I start with a G, give lots of hugs and kisses and love to hear all about you but to see you I must fly, I end with y. Who am I? Love, XXXOOO


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