
A great day outside today. The boys did some swimming and I spent the day in the gardens. Trying to weed and mulch.
We have a lot of gardens to mulch. I think we go through 40- 50 bags every summer. Why not have it delivered you might say, but our little driveway and fenced in yard doesn't allow big trucks in. Plus then it would mean that I would have to do it all at once or stare at a big pile of dirt for a long time. Boys + dirt = mess. Therefore we buy bags- 10 at a time. Its not too overwhelming and just enough for a days work. I always love the way it looks when you first put it down. Nice and neat and such a pretty dark brown.
Eric turned the ground to get our vegetable garden ready. We are a little late in getting it going but this is all new for me. Hopefully it actually produces vegetables.
A feeling of accomplishment as the day ends.
Being in the sun all day, cleaning the yard and playing with the boys. Makes mom and dad very tired. Everyone is going to bed early tonight!


  1. Congrats on your new garden!
    We need a Happy Task day around here, too. Can't decide if we're doing that today or if we're off playing!! :)

  2. we just put down mulch too and made a few gardens ... can't wait for you to see the house :)


  3. Gardening is one of my favorite things. Enjoy while the weather is good. Can't wait to hear about the produce. Love, xxxooo


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