A Day with Friends

We went to a small farm today. They were having a Plant Science Day. The kids did a passport to learning. They had to go to 6 stations and discover things about earthworms, honeybees, blue jays, ticks, vegetable amaranth(a new plant) and Asian longhorn beetles. After they received all their stamps they got a goody bag full of fun activities.
We also got our first tattoos today. They washed off in the shower. William wanted to know why his didn't stay on like his mamas. When I explained they had to use small needles to put the ink on he said "no way"!

It was a great time spent with friends!

We even got to check out a fire truck.
They spent about 20 minutes in there. 9 kids plus two firemen on a 90* day. Bless those fireman for answering all their questions!

We ended the day with ice cream and this crazy little car.


  1. What a wonderful day! Who is the little girl in the red and white dress holding hands with the boy in the great vest???? Love to all, xxxooo

  2. LOve the hand holding!!Looks like a great day with friends


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