So yesterday while we were at the Faire, we happened upon a vendor whom was selling a bow and arrow set. William has arrows but his bow was broken and Landon has a beautiful bow but argued the fact that he needed new arrows. His did not have slots in them so it was rather hard for him to line them up. I agreed that we could purchase the said items.
The set also came with a quiver. I was not inclined to purchase the quiver. I had made Will's and explained to Landon that I could make one for him as well. Whew- my little 5 year old has become quite the arguer- he was insisting he had to have the dark blue quiver. Thank goodness for the sweet lady whom we were buying from. She agreed with me that we did not need to buy her quiver- she had seen William's and knew that mommy could make one- as this is what she told Landon. So we did get away with just a bow and 3 arrows and the boys have been using them ever since. But a project was in store for us this afternoon.
We rummaged through my fabric stash and found an old felted sweater sleeve in dark blue. I did not have enough for the strap but light blue would do.
The result......
What a great quiver. Not only will Landon have loads of fun with it the memory of making will be a lasting one. Love, XXXOOO