exploring cabot

We went for a drive on Sunday, not exactly sure where we were going to end up. We checked out a new place to have breakfast, very toddler friendly! We then headed over to Burke mountain and saw a few mountain bikers coming down the hill. Since we were so close and it would eventually lead to home we stopped in Cabot, Vt where the original plant and now factory of Cabot cheese is. We were able to taste lots of cheeses, which everyone needed. We had few hungry boys in the car. Then we got to go on the tour. We love tours. The boys were really into it and said they learned  a lot about cheese they did not know. Such as... the fact that if a bar of cheese is past its sell by date- don't throw it away. It won't go bad, it just gets to age longer and becomes a stronger cheese.  We are really into buying local and have been buying Cabot products for a long time now. The tour just made it hit home a little bit more. We were able to see some of the farmers that were on a video that we watched.

It was a pretty good adventuring day.

1 comment:

  1. Love tours and love cheese. Great day and great way to learn. Love all you do for home schooling. Love, XXXOOO


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