much needed distraction

Today we headed out for the last class of the Audubon. Once again we went into the woods and looked for salamanders, which the boys just can't get enough of.  

Although they love being in the woods, I think their favorite part of the class is hanging out with their friends.


After a nice picnic lunch we continued our day by heading to the beach. It was a pleasant afternoon, filled with laughter and silliness which is something we needed today.


  1. Sorry we did not get a chance to say goodbye. I LOVE the picture of the boys arm in arm.

  2. Glorious pictures! The memory of little creatures of nature showing up at our home, visiting and then needing to be let go to return to their families. How sweet to be a part of your children's experiences with nature all day! Love, XXXOOO

  3. Love the picture of the kids walking together! Truly the essence of friendship!


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