time off

I was in such a role, blogging every day and had high hopes of continuing the streak.  But exhaustion kicked in. The past few nights I have been quite the night owl- not on purpose- I just can't seem to sleep all night. I am up from 12- 4 and then I crash hard and the mornings have been so slow. Which then throws our day a bit off. I haven't felt like much of anything but we did have commitments.  So I shall share a bit of yesterday.....

Our first art class at the Florence Griswold Museum.  We toured the Galleries for a bit and then headed back to make our own art like Sol Lewitt.  The artist we were studying for the day.  We made our own conceptual art.

1 comment:

  1. Masterpieces by the masters. Great way to learn about art. Love, XXXOOO


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