things about me: jobs

I thought I would share some more about me every once in awhile.

High School
  • managed a yogurt store
  • babysat for several families
College Summers
  • lifeguard at our town beach
Freshly Graduated
  • taught outdoor education to middle and high school students
  • substituted in public schools
  • taught nursery school
  • worked at Crate and Barrel
Newly Marrried
  • taught pre-school
  • substitued in public schools
  • nannied
  • waitressed
After One Year of Marriage
  • finally got my own classroom- teaching first grade- for five years
BEST JOB YET and the one I plan to keep forever
  •  mother and homemaker
 *beach where I was a lifeguard and met Eric*


  1. Love this! babysitting, lifeguarding and teaching are things I did too "back in the day"! Like you said though, best job yet and the one I plan to keep forever is the one I have now being a wife, mama and homemaker! Truly the best and I cannot imagine life any other way! :)

    I am so sorry that I did not think to drop you (or Kim) a line about the field trip to the bison farm! It would have been so much fun to have you girls and your littles there! If you shoot me an email I will be sure to add you to my address book. My email is in my blog profile. We would love to get together sometime!

  2. Mama and homemaker are great but grandmother is the ultimate "job". Just you wait. Didn't know you two met at the beach, I thought it was an intro at a party. Where have I been? What where when and how a bison farm. I know why. Love to hear about that. Love to all, XXXOOO


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