some good eats

With all the fruit we have been getting from our CSA we have been busy baking up a new treat each week.
 This week we made Sour Cream Pear Crumb Cake. This was the first time I have ever baked with pears. It was tasty, especially the filling and topping part!
We just got another bag of pears so there may be a repeat performance this weekend.


  1. Yum! That looks delicious. I have never baked with pears either. You have inspired me!

  2. This looks so delicious! We should all stop by and have some cake and tea together! :) I have never baked with pears either! Perhapse we'll have to give it a try!

  3. Looks great. I sill remember the Harvest pie you made. It is still Grampy's favorite.XXXOOO


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