last minute fun

So glad my cousin, whom I have not seen in awhile, emailed first thing this morning to meet her and her girls out for a bit. It was a day planned to be at home but with rain forcasted for the next 3 days I couldn't pass up the chance to be outside all morning in beautiful 70* weather.

We ran through a hay maze, gathered a few pumpkins and just had an overall pleasant day.

I love the fact that we can be so flexible. There was no schedule to adhere to or lessons that must be done this minute.  It makes living life so much better.

Sure we have responsibilities. We needed to get our grocery shopping done or else there would be no food to eat. But we also need to live and have fun along the way...


  1. Live and have fun along the way. Love that philosophy. Love the new picture. Are the girls Kim's? They are darling. I love that cousins and second cousins are getting together. Good job all. Love, XXXOOO

  2. Wow second generation Pardis and Fiorentinos how this brings back memories .What a great day !!


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